Snapshots That Wow!

  • 27th July 2024

Japan Is Back!

The resurgence in Japanese consumer is palpable with a 44% rise in LVMH sales for the first six months of the year in the country.

Source :LVMH Investor Presentation

Hey Google, what are we paying for?

One of the most innovative companies in the world is growing its multi billion dollar USD revenue at double digit all the while still reducing headcount. What are we paying for in Indian IT companies?

Source: Alphabet’s earnings report

The race to invest in AI

Google's capital expenditures are on pace to hit $49 billion this year, a 52% increase over 2023's total.

"The risk of underinvesting [in AI] is dramatically greater than the risk of overinvesting." - Sundar Pichai (Google CEO)

Source: Alphabet Earnings Call

China has always been numero uno!

In the electric vehicle market, China has always been number 1 commanding over half of the global market share since 2017!

Source: TESLA’s investor presentation

End of the American dream run?

Currently, every new dollar of US public debt generates just $0.58 of GDP, near the lowest on record.

By comparison, in the 1960s this metric was as high as $9.80, and in 2000 it was $4.00, or 7 times above current levels.

Over the last 4 years, US national debt has skyrocketed by $11.6 trillion while US added $6.6 trillion in GDP.

In other words, the US economy's productivity has declined near the worst levels in modern history.

Source: KobeissiLetter

Indians living the American dream!

Income taxes paid by people of Indian origin (POI) in the US is a whopping 13 lakh crore- over 75% of what is paid by Indians in India. Indians have truly realised their potential in the US with 1.5% contribution to the overall population but 6% to the tax revenue collection.

Source: inShorts